Looking to order Raail?

The ordering process has moved. Instead of having all the gallon cans, kits, colors, cubes and other Raail products listed here on DrPigment, this has moved directly to Raail.com 

Click here to order Clear Raail Basecoat Cubes. This product is best used as your primer coats. (Black, Light or Dark Grey) You can either spray AirWrap over this base and have a nice satin sheen or if you're looking to spray a Spherical Clearcoat/Activator (gloss) or Satin Clearcoat over it you'll need more Raail Basecoat and not Raail AirWrap Topcoat

Raail Basecoat for peelable auto paint liquid wrap

Click here to order Clear Raail Topcoat Cubes. This product is very much like the Basecoat when it comes to spraying. Can be applied with a compressor or a turbine however unlike the Raail Basecoat which is super matte. Raail AirWrap has a nice satin sheen to it. Even more so when spraying a couple of clear wet coats over your final color. This gives it the best color pop. Raail AirWrap Topcoat is not gas or scratch resistant. You'll need to skip the Raail AirWrap and use Raail Basecoat and Spherical Clearcoat/Activator or Satin Clearcoat

Raail AirWrap Topcoat 2.5 gallon cube for peelable auto paint liquid car wrap

Click here to order Raail Spherical Clearcoat and Activator. This clearcoat is high gloss, gas resistant, scratch resistant, wet-sand an buffable. You can treat it just like standard auto paint. Must be applied like standard paint though. With a compressor and needs to be applied over a Raail Spherical Basecoat. The Spherical Clearcoat will not over over a Raail AirWrap Topcoat base or other liquid wrap base. Must be Raail Basecoat. Also Spherical Clearcoat and Activator will need to be mixed 1:1. 

Click here to order Raail Reducer. This Reducer is a solvent blend. Not an overprice can of xylene or acetone. A true solvent blend. This reducer is best to add about 15% in your pearl coat and 5% in your last coat of clearcoat. One quart will be enough for pearls, clearcoat and to clean your gun after. This is by far the best gun cleaner we have used. Even though its not intended to be a gun cleaner, it works really well. 

Click here to order Satin Clearcoat. This clearcoat is still sold directly on DrPigment. Must be applied over a Raail Basecoat and will not work over a Raail AirWrap Topcoat base. Can be applied with a compressor or a turbine. Best used with a compressor of course. Mixed 4:1. Great to add 5% reducer on your last coat. When spraying, a light coat will provide you a flat/matte finish. A wet/heavier coat will give you a satin sheen. Too wet can be too high in a satin sheen. Test panel for sure. 

Even though Raail products are not listed here - feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We still have all our drop-in tints on the site as well.